Home > News > On the Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax

I recently started to explore the concept of the revenue-neutral carbon tax after a some prompting from a friend and Citizens’ Climate Lobby leader, Ron Reilly. The approach seems complex at first but is actually simple in its construct. I believe that it can play a very significant role in helping our nation shift away from fossil fuel. Importantly, it is gaining bipartisan support. The following article highlights the outcome of a recent Yale study on the public’s perception of the revenue-neutral carbon tax. It suggests that public opinion on the concept is favorable.

I’ll share more information about this in future posts. In the meantime, take a moment to read the outcome of the Yale study.

What are your thoughts about the revenue-neutral carbon tax?


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  • Thank you for this posting Noel, and for meeting with the non-partisan, Citizens’ Climate Lobby – Hawaii Island Chapter.
    “Carbon Fee and Dividend” as proposed by Citizens’ Climate Lobby has three concepts….
    1. Place a steadily rising fee on the CO2 content of fossil fuels.
    2. Give all of the revenue from the carbon fee back to households.
    3. A Border Adjustment will discourage businesses from relocating.
    Independent studies show this is good for the economy AND even better for the climate.
    To dig deeper, there is an excellent TED Talk by Republican (Yes, a Republican) Ted Halstead.