Home > News > Welcome Senator Russell Ruderman to the Big Island EV Association

RudermanState Senator Russell Ruderman represents District 2 (Puna and Kau) on Hawaii Island. He on several committees and is a tireless public servant and leader. He is passionate about the environment and values the role that sustainability plays in its preservation. He is also an EV owner so he is familiar with its benefits and the importance of EV charging infrastructure.

Russell’s words:

“I am very enthusiastic about the potential for Electric Vehicles as a large step to address global warming and wean our society from oil use. The islands have a unique role to play in proving the value of EVs. With our limited driving distances, EVs can work for more people here than in most areas. When we couple that with our abundant sunlight, as in PV panels to charge our cars, we have a truly green transportation option.

Last year I purchased a Nissan Leaf and I love it, having owned two hybrids in the past. I am impressed by the work the BIEV club has done in promoting EVs. I am also working from a legislative approach to get more charging stations on our island, and retain incentives for EVs. Thank you all for your advocacy on behalf of our environment, and for taking such positive action. ”

Russell joins us as an Advisor. We look forward to his support and leadership.