Home > News > Model X Configuration Notification – Did you miss yours?

Are you still waiting for the invitation to configure and order your Tesla Model X? If you’ve placed your reservation a long while back, it’s possible that the email was missed or filtered as spam.  Go to TeslaMotors.com to find out if you can place your order.

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I recently corresponded with a Model X reservation holder who mentioned that she had not ordered her vehicle. (She had placed her reservation several years ago.) It turns out that she had not received Tesla Motors’ email invitation to configure her X and was close to giving up.  On my suggestion, she visited her account at the TeslaMotors.com site and found that she was eligible to place her order. She’s now waiting to hear back on the delivery date.

I’ve contacted Tesla Motors to suggest a more robust follow-up in situations like these. Relying on customers to respond to email to secure a substantial sale is clearly not in the best interest of customers and Tesla Motors.