Home > News > End of Tesla Customer Referral Program

Tesla’s referral program is coming to an end. This program was an excellent form of advertising – satisfied customers were provided the opportunity to pitch the benefits of Tesla products to friends and family. Those who end up purchasing are provided free supercharging while referring owners are offered a variety of perks of varying value. (The highest prize was a new Roadster!)

The program has created undesired consequences, including the incremental pricing pressure on each new car and heavy demand on the Supercharger network (new buyers are offered free supercharging for a limited time). It will end by February 1, 2019.

I’m sure this will not prevent existing owners from sharing their experiences with others but I do hope that some form of the program will eventually be reinstated.

Related reading: Why Elon Musk Is Ending Tesla’s Customer Referral Program – Fortune.com