Home > News > A call to arms: The creation of a Level-III infrastructure for the Big Island of Hawaii

A call to arms… Our  mantra needs to be: The creation of a Level-III infrastructure for the Big Island of Hawaii. A simple statement, at the same time of huge value to our group. Our State government and agencies are following the “population” model. of dissemination for infrastructure. Well, there are more people in Honolulu than the Big Island… So they get everything. It makes no sense. We need charge stations at strategic locations, not hubs of population. As it stands, from hubs of population you can’t drive anywhere. But it is not really about “us” and “them”. The people of Hawaii currently spend upwards of $5billion per year on oil, all of which is imported. This money is slipping thourhg our hands, leaving our Island economy every year and into the hands of a few multi-nationals.That is $5billion on the table which we already spend – but in the wrong places. The cost of the handfull of Level-III charge stations is insigniticant in comparison. At the same time Hawaii has huge natural resources available right here – no need to import it. Solar, wind or geothermal, could easily power the charge stations, thus stopping the continual drain on our economy. At the same time, building out the infrastructure creates good jobs, right here in Hawaii. The money is being spent, slipping away from us. I doubt that anyone would disagree that sustainability and local energy sources are a bad thing. Now, the will to make it happen…