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There are a number of videos and films related to electric vehicles. The following is a list of videos that are relevant to barriers to electric vehicle adoption. Some of the links are to free versions on youtube. You may need to restart it to view from the beginning.

EVs: On the Brink of Change
(FEB2020) – A Bloomberg TV episode that provides a comprehensive review of the status of electrification of transportation – it reviews the electric car technology, the players, adoption drivers, and the global perspective. This is a must-view to understand the current status of electrification.

Who Killed the Electric Car – A fabulous documentary on the GM EV1.

This film is a must-view if you’re interested in recent EV history and the various pressures that work against sustainable transportation.

Revenge of the Electric Car – This is the sequel to ‘Who Killed the Electric Car’.

It covers the EV comeback, its resurgence after the earlier failures to introduce the EV in 2006. This goes behind the scenes are Tesla, GM, and Nissan.

Tony Seba’s Clean Disruption – Energy and Transportation This roughly one hour video is lecture that Tony Seba gave on This is a ‘must-see’ if you want to learn about the innovations that are starting to disrupt the transportation and energy. Tony provides insight into how transportation and energy production are being disrupted by innovations in technology as well as evolving views on personal transportation.

Barriers to EV Adoption – Fully Charged’s interview with Erik Fairbairn, founder of Pod Point, a UK charging infrastructure company. They discuss  ow barriers to EV adoption are fast becoming non-issues as a result of innovations in storage and manufacturing, improvements in costs, and the number of EV choices that are becoming available.

Musk vs. Buffet – Solar Wars – This video describes what happened when SolarCity began offering Nevada residents roof top solar, and the subsequent Net Metering changes by the PUC that made it financially unfeasible to own solar. Importantly, this highlights the role that utilities play in our transition to a sustainable future.

The Battery Revolution. End of Gasoline? This Future Lab video provides a good overview of the developments in energy storage. Batteries in our electric vehicles and a variety of devices are constantly evolving. The demand for higher energy density and rapid charging are driving many companies and research groups to continue innovation in this space. This roughly 10-minute video covers a variety of innovations that we can expect.